
Real news for real people

My Experience As A Youth Corp Member And How I Nearly Died In Benin City Enroute To Ekiti State

In 2022, I nearly died in Fatal accident which claimed many lives while I was going to my place of primary assignment also known as PPA. After camping for three weeks in Ekiti State, I came back to Ebonyi State to carry my property and return to Ekiti State.

On that faithful day, March 11th, 2022, I will never forget the date till I will die because I didn’t know I will survive it. Not after seeing how our bus sumersulted many times and got trapped in a pole by the side of the road.

Going back to Ekiti State was very hard for me because I thought my relocation could work out. As I entered bus from Anambra to Ekiti, my mind was not at rest. I kept praying in my mind for safe journey but the worse happened in Benin.

As we were getting to Benin, a car “doubled crossed” own bus which was in full speed, our bus driver couldn’t do anything because it was late. Our bus hit the car, started sumersulting till we got trapped by a electric pole that’s by the side of the road.

All of us were trapped inside the bus, my legs were squeezed. In the process of trying to bring out my legs, a rod inside the bus pierced through my leg, cut it open. 😭😭😭😭.

After I managed to come out with few others, the bus caught fire and others who couldn’t come out were burnt to ashes. I remembered how an Ezza girl who was inside the bus with me going for her youth service couldn’t come out. She was burnt to ashes.

A good samaritan, picked me and others who broke their spine cord to a nearby hospital in Benin City. I don’t know anyone there. I was helpless. The little money I had, I deposited it in the hospital to get the leg treated, only for the hospital to do a poor job. Few months later, the leg was getting rotten inside without me knowing.

Meanwhile, I had to post in our NYSC WhatsApp group back then that I had an accident only for our LGI to accuse me of lying. He said I should carry my leg and come back to Ekiti State or I should forget about NYSC. He threatened me with suspension for lying. Only me knew back then that I was dying inside.

For three weeks, I was battling with the leg in Abakaliki here. The leg was getting worse, not healing inside because the hospital in Benin did a poor job.

I went to FETHA to get treatment, only for the doctor that I met there to ask me to use my hand to open the wound for him to see. I didn’t talk to him again. I went back home, started treating the leg at St Vincent Hospital Ndubia.

After like four weeks, a good Samaritan whom I now address as my mother on Facebook here, Precious Ropalia chatted me up. I didn’t know her. I only met her on Facebook here. That’s why I always tell people to be careful of how they insult people on Facebook here.

She chatted me and asked me how is the leg because I posted about it on Facebook. I told her about everything. She asked me the state I was serving, I told her it’s Ekiti State. I didn’t know she is a big woman ooo. That’s how she asked me to forward my details to her that I will get relocated to Ebonyi State immediately.

After I forwarded her my details, she worked on it immediately, submitted my details to the State Coordinator who was like a mother when she heard about my experience. That’s how I served in Ebonyi State. The lgi didn’t know I have been relocated. He is still waiting for me to come back to Ekiti State till today.

Despite battling with the leg till today, NYSC doesn’t care about how I am doing. Try to stay alive while serving because those that died have been forgotten.



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