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He Killed Himself Over $1900 Child Support Not $15000 - Francis Van-Lare

He Killed Himself Over $1900 Child Support Not $15000 – Francis Van-Lare

Francis Van-Lare, the father in-law of the US-based Nigerian cardiologist who allegedly took his life over $15,000 child support, has debunked the claim and said it was $1900 child support. Ikenna Erinne had been involved in a divorce battle with his daughter Suzzette Chibuogu Van-Lare(Erinne’s ex wife).

Recall that Ikenna Erinne was said to have killed himself due to financial strain from the $15,000 child support monthly payment heaved on him by a US court following his divorce proceedings with his ex-wife as the judge ruled in her favour.

Read More: US-Based Nigerian Doctor Allegedly Kills Self After Losing $15,000 Child Support

However, contrary to the initial report that the doctor shot himself to death because of $15,000 child support, the ex-wife’s father, Francis Van-Lare took to his Facebook account to debunk the viral claim saying it was $1900 child support.

Furthermore, Francis said Ikenna Erinne was not a peaceful and quiet guy and shared photo evidences of restraining orders from Maryland court circuit.

“Liars everywhere. He killed himself to avoid paying $1,900.00 monthly which he pays partially sometimes. He was not asked to pay $15,000 a month as alleged. Dead beat dad!

“Go to the state of Maryland Court circuit and check numerous restraining orders. Quiet and peaceful guy my foot. Any more rubbish talk about my family, I will share more revelations. I am a bull dozer and will bull doze any lying blogger. Nobody should blame my daughter for the embarrassment he caused everyone.” Ikenna’s estranged wife’s father said.

Furthermore, Francis Van-Lare alleged that Ikenna Erinne had his daughter and granddaughter on gunpoint for 3 hours before his death and had only turned the gun to himself when the police arrived. He said the house help managed to escape him and had called the police on him.

“I guess he decided to kill himself instead of facing the charges” Van-Lare claimed that the deceased was facing three counts of kidnapping with a deadly weapon, each carrying a sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

“While I sympathize with his family, my daughter is not to blame for his death. And I thank God it did not escalate to where he shot my daughter, grandchildren, and himself,” Van-Lare stated.

“As some alleged and to correct some nonsense. My daughter was born in Long Island New York a full blooded American Citizen. She was not brought from Nigeria and sent to school by the dead cardiologist” Francis Van-Lare added.

This statement came about when Amanda Chisom made a post debunking the claim that Ikenna’s ex-wife was not a white woman as many claimed making it clear that she was Van-Lare’s daughter.


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